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With the purpose of exchange some of my research ideas and results and also share some photos this blog was created!!!
I hope you all enjoy the pictures and make coments on my research results.



Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Time stack and mean two years bar position

Two years of Argus data at Cassino beach was a challenger... analyze it still a challenger!!!!

So here is some data to start the science topic in the blog.

The graphic below is a time stack of daytimex with subplots containing the mean bars position and the standard deviation of it.

After this two first year we saw that the bars potion at Cassino beach have a kind of exponential fitting (next figure). This data still need to be filtered and also have its variance analyzed.

The outliers need to be analyzed very closely...for me they are situations where the bars run out equilibrium.


Anonymous said...

Why do you say that the outliers represents situations that bars run out the equilibrium beach profile?

Is there a relationship between outliers and some wave or meteorological behavior?

Is there a graph showing the relationship between bar migration X dinamic conditions during outliers?


Pedro Pereira said...

Hey Busqueixopa...nice to have your coments posted here!!!

Well the outliers...there are a lot of things to say about them...are they situations where the bars are not in equilibrium?!? Or just transitional positions between the real equilibrium postion? Or may they represents non-stationarity?

I think that all the above questions are the real answers for the outliers. For me...Yesss!!! They represent transitional situations between beach states and also some intrinsic non-stationary behavior.

Regarding the dynamics...Yes!!! We saw a very clear relationship between our bars positions and storm surge events and also waves.

Talking about storm surge... we saw that during situation of high water level...our bars migrate off-shore. This behavior is not what we expected... because during high water levels the bar position extracted from the images where suppose to be more on-shore. The fact is that during high water levels that often occurs with storm surge at our beach... the bars break point position also migrate off-shore due to high wave heights.

Talking about wave heights...we saw a significant relationship between our bar position and the wave height with a comum pattern: as soon as the wave height increases with a storm the bars migrate offshore... with a high positive correlation...but...the opposite is not true...as the wave decreases...the bars start to come more shoreward...but no nice correlation exists between this migration and the incident waves.
I have some of the above coments already ploted...soon as possible I'll post them.

Take care my good friend...you are always welcome here!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hy Pedrón,

I'd like to see a time stack with some images during a storm surge process.
It would start in a beautiful day with no waves, passing trought the heaviest (?) storm and returning to the paradise.

I wanna see the patterns of the high water line and the break points.
If you have wave data of this period (height, period, direction) would be perfect...

A question: did you work with some 3D image data?
Didn´t you think to interpolate a DEM with the image?

Do you have topologial data at the image area?

I'm havng some ideas....


Anonymous said...

Do you know a apllication called TimeMap?

Do you have geotiff images?

If you have, send me a sequence of then and you'll see...
